The New York Times killed a story
The Emperor's New Hump
The New York Times killed a story that could have changed the election—because it could have changed the election By Dave Lindorff.
In the weeks leading up to the November 2 election, the New York Times was abuzz with excitement. Besides the election itself, the paper’s reporters were hard at work on two hot investigative projects, each of which could have a major impact on the outcome of the tight presidential race.
One week before Election Day, the Times (10/25/04) ran a hard-hitting and controversial exposé of the Al-Qaqaa ammunition dump—identified by U.N. inspectors before the war as containing 400 tons of special high-density explosives useful for aircraft bombings and as triggers for nuclear devices, but left unguarded and available to insurgents by U.S. forces after the invasion.
On Thursday, just three days after that first exposé, the paper was set to run a second, perhaps more explosive piece, exposing how George W. Bush had worn an electronic cueing device in his ear and probably cheated during the presidential debates.
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Posted by SV at 6:15:00 AM in World News | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
mind your language
1. Goto Google Translate ( )
2. Type Aishwarya's mom is nice and cool
3. Select English to Spanish translation
4. Copy the text from under the "This text has been automatically translated from English:" box
5. Again goto Google Translate ( )
6. Paste the spanish in translate text box
5. Select spanish to english translation
Posted by SV at 6:07:00 AM in Humor | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Friday, Feb 4, 2005
Fashion Accessories
What's that? Oh, you like my brown bracelet? Why, thank you! It signifies support for tobacco-free colorectal and colon cancer survivors. Once the sun fades it a little, I'll also be supporting multiple myeloma awareness! And does it get any better than the half-black, half-white “God Bless The Dead” bracelet?
Thanks (or no thanks).
(via Anil Dash and Jason)
Posted by SV at 6:16:00 AM in World News | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Thursday, Feb 3, 2005
Cheese triangles shed light on hobbits
Cheese triangles are helping an Australian researcher to explain how hobbits on Flores could make the stone tools found with their bones.
Archaeology PhD student Mark Moore of the University of New England in Armidale presented his research at the recent Australian Archaeological Association conference.
One of the puzzling facts about the discovery of a new species of hobbit human in Liang Bua cave on Flores announced last year is that the remains were found alongside tools that appear to be as sophisticated as those made by modern humans.
This was a surprise as hobbits have such a small brain.
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Posted by SV at 6:12:00 AM in Tech/Science | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Wednesday, Feb 2, 2005
The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business
1 Defrauding investors is sooooooo 2002. These days it's all about hosing your customers.
2 Now that's pain relief.
3 What's the problem? We love a guy who stands behind his product.
4 Do as I say, not as I...hey, get a load of those!
5 For more nostalgia, you can always check out your legal bills from the DOJ antitrust lawsuit.
6 The family that colludes together, stays together.
7-9 If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
10 In fairness, though, they did turn away the $300 with Dennis Kucinich.
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Posted by SV at 6:06:00 AM in Humor, Reality | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Tuesday, Feb 1, 2005
Ribbon of the week

Posted by SV at 6:02:00 AM in Reality | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Monday, Jan 31, 2005
jest for pun (January'05)
January'05 BlogThoughts
Continue reading "jest for pun (January'05)"
Posted by SV at 6:27:00 AM in Humor | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Sunday, Jan 30, 2005
India’s growing younger
Aging population and India. According to a story in BusinessWeek, while the rest of the world frets about the economic effects of an aging population, one country that will grow increasingly younger is India. India’s census bureau has pointed out that “40% of the populace is below the age of 18, and by 2015, 55% will be under 20”. The magazine adds that the trend would help fulfill the promise of making India a service and manufacturing power over the next two decades. But, the situation is not gung-ho all along. “The bad news is that India could easily squander its demographic edge. Despite the success of a few world-class schools such as the Indian Institutes of Technology, India’s education system is in a dismal state overall,” it argues. This is part of the cover story of BusinessWeek on Global Aging.
Posted by SV at 6:03:00 AM in Info, Reality, World News | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
# posted by SV @ 2/05/2005 08:38:00 AM