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Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Fareed Zakaria: We Need to Get The Queen Bees 

‘When America and Europe are divided, when Japan is hesitant,’ Lee cautions, ‘the extremists are emboldened’

Comment from a very good friend of mine:

"this is sensible and desperately important but George W. Bush & Co. is not capable of hearing it. Here is what I think: we are at the beginning of the end of an era, as big a deal as the end of the Roman Empire, and civilization as we know it is starting to fall. It may take a few hundred years or it may be cataclysmic, but what Zakaria says is probably the only way to save it, and this Administration is absolutely incapable of doing it, prevented by their own constricted world view and arrogant biases (shared by a lot of people) from grasping that this must be done. Of course I could be wrong on either count and I hope I am wrong on both.

On the other hand, if civilization simply falls apart, without atomic holocaust, and descends into barbarity and dark ages, it will mean everything human suffers, but the rest of life on earth will get a chance to recover."

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