Today is Shravan purnima’s second festival, Raksha Bandhan. Celebrated on the full-moon day in the month of Shravan (July-August).
Raksha Bandhan is also known as Rakhi, the tying of an amulet. On this day, sisters tie an amulet, the Rakhi, around the right wrist of their brothers praying for their long life and happiness. Rakhi has become a sacred festival for sisters and brothers.
Nowadays Rakhis are decorated with soft silky threads of various colours, and also with ornaments, pictures, gold and silver threads etc.
This is also the day set apart for Brahmins to change their
sacred thread they wear. In Bombay, it is an occasion for offering coconuts to the sea (Nariyal Purnima)
# posted by SV @ 8/12/2003 06:42:00 AM